What to foods avoid for thyroid health. How to understand marketing terms on food labels.

What to foods avoid for thyroid health. How to understand marketing terms on food labels.

Do you know what the marketing terms on the stuff you buy in the grocery store? What does natural or organic actually mean?

Today we are going to dive into what the most common terms mean so you are equipped with all the tools you need to make good decisions at the store or farmers market. Many of these terms on food labels are not even regulated so there is no actual law that defines them. There are some terms on labels that do require some kind of regulation so lets dive in.

First up is certified organic or organically grown. These labels mean foods are processed through standards of the National Organic Program which requires foods be grown without synthetic fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, or food additives. Products with low or no human toxici

What to eat for thyroid health?

What to eat for thyroid health?

The definition of a nutrient diet can vary a bit depending on who you talk to. Here is what I consider to be a good definition.

a food with high vitamin and mineral content relative to its caloric value is nutrient dense.

Less calories and the more vitamins and minerals a food has, the more nutrient dense. A good example of this is a dark leafy green or blueberries.

We really want to try to get in as many foods that are rich in V and M as possible in the best possible way. We need calories as they provide the energy for our body to do what it needs to do on a daily basis and we need a good diverse diet rather than focusing on just what v & m are in each food. That is important but it isn’t the only thing we need to consider.

Will Iodine Help My Thyroid?

Will Iodine Help My Thyroid?

The biggest need for iodine is for thyroid hormone production.  Deficiency would look like hypothyroid symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog/poor memory, hair loss (including eyelashes), puffiness, cold hands/feet etc. The other reason we need it is to prevent fibrocystic breast disease and as an antimicrobial.

RDA for adults is 150 micrograms per day and is based on studies looking at how much the thyroid gland uses and how much is lost in urine.

It is difficult to get enough iodine from foods because the soil content varies but the most reliable sources of foods are:

How to make your new years resolutions stick.

How to make your new years resolutions stick.

This month is coming up on three years since I made a commitment to make exercise a part of my life. As I have said many times before, menopause was not kind to me. A 30ish pound weight gain over 2 years was devastating for me because I have never had a weight problem. The biggest I had ever been was 20 years prior to that after I had my first child. None of my clothes fit me after she was born and I was horrified. I had based my self esteem on my looks and on my size and when my size was not to my liking, my self esteem plummeted. I had not yet been diagnosed with hypothyroidism so I couldn’t even use that as an excuse. I actually never struggled with my weight through my diagnosis and afterwards. I was always a skinny person with Hashimoto’s.

How to fix heart burn.

How to fix heart burn.

this is a HUGE problem

When I first started learning about nutrition I was taught that the most common cause of heart burn was because someone was not making enough stomach acid.

It’s counterintuitive but I believed what I was told. I’ve since learned to think more critically. It’s funny. The idea that stomach acid is low as a cause of heart burn is one of those things that happens in natural medicine where one person makes a claim and the whole of the community hops on the bandwagon without actually looking at the science and critically thinking about it.

In fact, the research has consistently shown that there is often too much acid in the stomach and the common reason for not having enough stomach acid is having an h. Pylori infection which needs a whole different treatment. If you are on a PPI then when you stop taking it, it can cause significant heart burn because the stomach is upping production of acid.

So supplementation with stomach acid for GERD can cause actual damage to your esophagus and we don’t want that.

So what is heart burn?

Listener questions about fatigue, celiac disease and subclinical hypothyroidism

Listener questions about fatigue, celiac disease and subclinical hypothyroidism

This episode has listener questions about thyroid symptoms like fatigue, celiac disease and subclinical hypothyroidism.

I have had thyroid issue for years and was diagnosed with hashis about 3 years ago. I spent thousands of dollars on a naturopath and she ended up caving and told me to go ahead and just start taking thyroid medication.

Why am I not getting better?

Why am I not getting better?

Do you focus on your strengths or on your deficits? It is easy to get stuck in a negative mindset  about our health and our thyroid health in particular. When your thyroid is not working optimally, you are stuck in a bit of a depression already. You probably don’t look sick and you may feel like total garbage.

You might be critical of yourself or someone else is critical of you. Either way, it’s not good for your body or your mind. When we focus on the negative aspects of this disease too much, you probably will feel more pessimistic, lose confidence, motivation, and you may just walk around feeling just generally bad about everything in your life. This is no way to live.

It is hard to be sick and it is also hard to be well and you do have a choice. Both take work.

Women especially tend to be critical of themselves, their appearance, and their abilities. We live in a culture of body shaming and we have all…..

The Promise of Health

The Promise of Health

I was in the book store the other day with my daughter. While she was looking around I was in the health section. I was just looking at 100’s of books selling a promise of feeling better. I probably have had 30 or more of those kinds of books- selling health and happiness. Even cookbooks, especially the paleo ones. They say I found health through food. Food is medicine… etc.

I certainly don’t disagree that food is medicine and that it can heal but what do you do when the food you eat isn’t enough. You turn to supplements because they too offer a promise of feeling better and sometimes they do help you feel better because your body is deficient in something and giving it that particular nutrient helps it work better. Sometimes they work.

I get an email almost daily from a company selling gut health supplements. That is all they do- they tell a story in their emails and then sell you a $60 bottle of digestive enzymes because they will cure it all. They probably work for some people or they wouldn’t keep selling them.

But what happens when you do all the things and you still don’t feel better?

Why am I fat? High cortisol from calorie restriction.

Why am I fat? High cortisol from calorie restriction.

I came across a study called Low Calorie Dieting Increases Cortisol by Yomiyama and colleagues 2010 in the journal of the American Psychosomatic Society.

The study was looking at dieting and the effect is has on psychological and physical stress so not immediately related to Hashimoto’s but if you are struggling with your weight at all because of hypothyroidism and you are restricting calories in hopes of losing weight, this is why this study is important.

Is an elimination diet necessary for healing Hashimoto’s?

Is an elimination diet necessary for healing Hashimoto’s?

Is an elimination diet necessary for healing Hashimoto’s?

The internet says so. I say, maybe.

Functional medicine and functional nutrition look at foods differently than conventional medicine. We look at foods that are causing inflammation or are creating a toxic burden especially when it comes to autoimmune disease. What I’m looking for in having my clients change their diet is to see if there are foods that are contributing to immune system dysfunction.

What does your cholesterol panel mean?

What does your cholesterol panel mean?

Every cell in your body makes cholesterol because cells need it - it’s part of their make up. Cholesterol is the reason why your cells are fluid meaning things are allowed to cross the cell membrane both in and out. That is how sugar gets in to your cells as well as hormones and other things. It’s also how things that are no longer needed leave the cell.

Feeding your microbiome. What to eat for a healthy gut.

Feeding your microbiome. What to eat for a healthy gut.

Gut bacteria and your gut microbiome is talked about a lot these days. Gut bacteria changes daily based on what you are eating because what you eat feeds the bacteria in your gut.

These bacteria affect not only our immune system but our central nervous system and how your appetite is controlled. They affect your blood sugar, your parasympathetic and sympathetic drive as…..

Why did I get this autoimmune disease?

Why did I get this autoimmune disease?

What happens in autoimmune disease? Why are some people more susceptible than others? Why does the immune system all the sudden become intolerant in our body? People who have autoimmune disease are kind of like canaries in a coal mine. Our immune systems are just more intolerant to what it considers to be a foreign thing, especially if it is something that builds over t

How to beat the fatigue that comes with Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism

How to beat the fatigue that comes with Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism

The fatigue that comes with this disease is real. I’ve had debilitating fatigue for long periods over the last 20 years that I’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. When I was first getting diagnosed I felt like I was walking through sludge all day long. Tired when I went to bed and equally tired when I woke up. I was just telling someone I have really felt tired my whole life. I never tolerated the sun well, I

Is depression and anxiety normal in Hashimoto's?

Is depression and anxiety normal in Hashimoto's?

When you go to the doctor because you are depressed and you have thyroid problems, you might find yourself dismissed or offered an antidepressant. I'm here to tell you that you are not crazy, there is actual research showing there is inflammation in the brains of Hashimoto's patients, even when your labs are normal. 

Download The Definitive Guide To Hashimoto's here

Take my Nutrition and Lifestyle for Prediabetes here 

Order your own labs here 

Should I take a T2 Supplement?

Should I take a T2 Supplement?

Apparently T2 supplements are all the rage and the marketing will get you good. "Take this and burn fat, feel better".  The people selling these things are making a ton of money off of your hope that this will truely make you feel better. And they are selling it to you based of animal model research that doesn't always translate to humans and forget about long term human studies to see if there are any negative side effects! Well I found a study that discusses potential side effects and they are scary enough to make me say no thanks and I'll happily adivise my clients to avoid this supplement until the research shows it is safe and effective. 


Download the Definitive Guide to Hashimoto's here

Order your own labs here

Take the Nutrition for Prediabetes course here.